What’s Hot with Lena

Episode 1:
Who the &%$# Is Lena?

I’ve done a lot of things in my young life, here are the Sparknotes that make me eligible to tell you things on a weekly basis alongside my personal thoughts about the sham of a holiday that is NYE.

Written by: Magdalena O’Neal

Janurary 1st, 2024

Well, isn’t this fun? A place to tell the entire world wide web what I think and why I think it and why they should take my word as bond and never read anything else again (ideally). If you’ve had the pleasure of encountering me in real life then you very quickly probably learned I love to chit chat—I have so much to say! Maybe it’s my gemini sun to blame or my parents ability to drown out my voice since I was a toddler. Either way, here I am, ready to release my inhibitions on the internet.

There’s a common fantasy that many twenty-somethings living in New York City have of believing that they are the Carrie of their friend group. I can attest that mine is not a delusion and I am in fact the Black Carrie Bradshaw. Just have to put that out there in writing in the first of this weekly series to set the record straight. I moved to NYC, a young and hopefully writer with no job and no idea how I would afford my rent. I had a crush, a group of potential best friends, and a deli order that only required I spend $6 per meal—I was go

Then the trials and tribulations of living in the Big Apple set in, I ran out of money, broke up with my lover, and realized not all friends are made to be your bestest. I found myself staring out the window in my Bedstuy bedroom that looked into a junkyard filled with feral cats and rotting cardboard and thought to myself “what am I doing here?”.

A year and a half later here we are, together on the edge of our seats and thinking to ourselves “Well, what did you do, Lena?” (yes, I’m thinking it too). I made shit shake—DUH! I got a job, I got my man back, and I made some new friends that I’m sure I will keep forever. Now I’m here, wiser tha

Professionally, I swear I am qualified for this. I’ve been working in journalism and editorial for the last six years covering lifestyle, culture, food, and drink for publications like Sunset, Resy, Fitbit, Buzzfeed, Office, Tastemade, Greatist, TimeOut, and more. So now that we have established some level of trust after I’ve divulged the top level details of the last two years of my life, let’s get into some opinions, facts, ideas, inspos—and maybe even astrology—for the week ahead.

New Year, Same You,
Because People Don’t Change —That Quickly

Okay, some people do change… for example, I’ve changed a lot in the last 365 days and I’m sure you have too. But Oprah told us it takes 21 days to form a habit, so why are we setting goals on December 31st and expecting to take action the following morning? It’s simply unrealistic

Instead of saying “This year I’ll quit (insert vice)”, “Starting in January I’m going to work out every day”, “This is the year I finally quit my job and stop eating meat”, instead be gentle with yourself. This past year I led a journaling session in the middle of a park in Queens alongside Hike Clerb and I let the group in on my goal setting strategy.

Setting short term goals and telling yourself “I’m going to try my best to (insert attainable goal)” instead of telling yourself you’re going to stop doing things you know you don’t want to do makes you less likely to find yourself in an emotional k-hole of disappointment come February.

That being said, I’d like for us all to set a short term goal for this month only, and maybe it will become a natural part of your daily practice throughout the year.

This month, let’s work to hold ourselves in a more positive light. When self deprecating thoughts come up, moments of thinking we aren’t good enough, or can’t make it through the day, tell yourself “cancel that” after the thought. My mom had me start doing this when I was probably 10 or 11, when I would say “I can’t do it” or even more dramatic childlike things like “I wish I was never born” she would tell me to immediately cancel that thought. To close my eyes for a second and remove the thought from entering the universe. Eventually you’ll free yourself from the thought completely—and you’re not fucking up your karma by putting negative thoughts about yourself into the universe. Anyways, that’s as deep as I’m going to get this week.

Make Yourself a Steak

We are just coming out of mercury retrograding (today is the last day) and trying it’s absolute best to throw things out of whack. It’s being said to have affected every sign so if communication was off, gossip was gossiping, or you felt out of touch blame the Mercury retrograding through Capricorn (best believe that’s what I will be blaming, call it gatorade if you want). Basically, shit’s been hitting fans and we’ve cleaned it up and are stepping into 2024 proud of ourselves. Last year my word was grateful and this year it’s proud. So pat yourself on the back and treat yourself to a… treat!

For the last two years my first meal of the year has been a butter-basted steak with whatever sides my heart desires. My blueprint recipe is from Bon Appetit and offers step by step instructions. So since your mouth is surely watering at the thought of a buttery steak, get up and go get yourself a ribeye. For those of you in New York, I suggest walking to Foster Sundry, if you’re in Los Angeles I’m a fan of the family-run butcher in The Original Farmers Market, if you’re anywhere else in the United States, I’d opt for heading to Whole Foods. Salt it overnight or for as long as possible and then hard sear it in a hot cast iron. Add butter, some garlic, a little rosemary or thyme in the pan and use a sexy spoon movement to bathe it in butter before leting that bad boy rest for fifteen or so before slicing and serving. I think we all know what’s for dinner, right?

Since this is the first of an ongoing collumn about the things I love and Foster Sundry is one of them (and I want you all to make a steak), repost the link to this article on your Instagram story and tag me @hotdotlena for a chance to win a $50 gift card to go get yourself a steak from Foster Sundry.

Until next week—that’s what’s HOT!

*Each and every Monday—unless I’m hungover—you can find my ever-so-eloquent word vomits on this fabulous website for you to parous, laugh, and take note of. If you love it already and don’t want to miss a beat, drop your email down below for weekly reminders when a new post goes live.*

madeintheurl 2023